Dear all:
Good day to all of you. I am Archivald Baluyut from the Asian Institute of Tourism, University of the Philippines. I am writing this message in order to seek help from you guys in answering some questionnaires for my undergraduate thesis.
The topic of which is "Neoliberalism in World Tourism". As some of you would ask, Neoliberalism is a political-economic policy framework which resurrects anew the core principles of the Keynesian and Adam Smith theories (with other Liberalist theories of the early 1900s). Its core tenets are "Privatization, Deregulation, and Liberalization" in supraterritorial scale (aka Globalization). For definition, refer to Jan Aart Scholte's definition of globalization:
Should you have the spare time, please try to answer objectively the following questions pertinent to each of your country:
(1) Do you think your country is being subjected to neoliberal policies, especially in trade (free trade), global finance capital, transnationalism or multinationalism of companies, borderless immigration and travel?
(2) What or who do you think are purveying/perpetuating neoliberal policies in your country? (e.g. Own government/ IMF World Bank/ UNCTAD/ OECD/ EU/ G8/ ASEAN/ etc.)
(3) What changes have neoliberal policies brought to your country in terms of cultural diversification, employment in hospitality industry, social integration, gender awareness, heritage and environmental protection?
(4) Were these changes contributed to equitable economic progress/ "development that is widespread and equally distributed"? Why? Why not?
(5) Were there any efforts from your government or from your politico-social community to reverse some adverse effects of neoliberal policies?
(6) Please provide the following for documentation:
a. Full Name(Optional)
b. Country you are in (origin/ basis of assessment)
c. Organization
d. University and degree
e. Other notable information
I am forever indebted for your kind help. Should you have comments or other questions regarding this message, you can email me at
Yours truly,
Archivald Baluyut
University of the Philippines
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
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Thanks for the opportunity to comment. I want to do so on a theme not at all directly connected with that of neo-liberalism, but indirectly it has a connection, namely, in that it too makes up one of the attacks by the ruling persons in the world against the masses of people. Here it comes:
UNITE! Info #308en: On quackery warfare (3) - Some information sources
[Posted: 06.02.2008]
Note: The "UNITE! (etc) Info" posting series (1995-) advocates the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong. For all items, see
Here is reproduced, now in "UNITE! Info" form, a posting which I sent to a couple of mailing lists on 27.12.2007 in reply to a question by Steve Houston [e-address].It shows some important Internet sources of information about that which I'm calling "quackery warfare" - see under that subject in my homepage's "Subjects in postings" section - a sneak type of warfare, engaged in by the ruling reactionary class against the masses of people, which in fact today, though this probably still is unknown to very many, is an *enormous* phenomenon in the world, and has been that since a long time back too.
This now reproduced posting also quotes a few lines from some of those information sources.
Earlier Infos in this sub-series have been #277en, "On quackery warfare (1)", of 02.05.2007, and #290en, "On quackery warfare (2) - Some medical history", of 31.08.2007.
The present Info I among other things intend to refer to when continuing (hopefully, soon) some debates, on questions concerning quackery warfare, with David Walters [e-address] and Nikogda Nichevo [e-address] which began in December 2007 and which so far, on my part at least, have proceeded in a rather slow tempo.
[Note, 06.02.2008: This was message #589, posted Dec 27, 2007 12:35 GMT, to the Modern Marxism mailing list at]
Hello Steve Houston [e-address]
You wrote, to MLL on 24.12 [2007]:
"This is meant for Comrade Martens
Could you provide some links or source material for your claims about bacteria and viruses? I checked your website to no avail but then I have a hard time navigating sites that aren't laid out for the complete 'dummie'
Thanks for a wonderful exchange between yourself and N.N.!"
You referred to the one under "Re: Year of global cooling - and of continued 'green' and quackery warfare", Steve, and thank you for your appreciation of that.
I shall reply to your question at some length here, including quoting a few relevant passages in some of that source material which I've got the information from. [E-address] also wondered, concerning that part of my reply to N. N.:
"How did you arrive at your concept of disease?"
[Note, 06.02.2008: For that earlier discussion, including the brief posting by Steve Houston quoted above and a longer one by Waistline plus a reply of mine to him, see Infos #301en, "A reply to N. N. on 'green' and quackery warfare", of 25.12.2007, and #303en, "Two replies to Waistline2, on social-imperialism resp. 'AIDS'", of 06.01.2008.]
It's not "my" concept of course; I did write that it was some uncorrupted scientists that had arrived at it, but with this reply to you I'm now replying in part to Waistline2 too.
Concerning what I wrote about bacteria and viruses, I in that exchange only referred to two earlier articles of mine (directly) on quackery warfare, at my homepage,, index, 02.05.2007 respectively 31.08.2007.
In the lastmentioned of these, I did provide some links to source material concerning the role of viruses and bacteria, namely above all to some writings by the German virologist Stefan Lanka and by Ryke Geerd Hamer, likewise of German origin, who from 1981 on has developed a radically new theory in medicine, which I, in part by indirect reasoning, have concluded is basically correct.
I never did know much about medicine or biology, and only in recent years have begun studying the writings of Hamer. Those of Lanka, who since several years back supports Hamer's theory, I've gotten rather familiar with since back in 2000, when someone tipped me off about the (Australia-based) website, and these, dealing mainly with the question of viruses, are easier to understand for all of us non-experts, I think, than those of Hamer, which cover a much wider field.
Anyway, in the "Links" section of my homepage, I have a "Science" sub-section, and in that one, last in it, the headings "On purportedly existing 'HIV' and 'AIDS'", "On purported 'bird flu pandemic threat'" and "On a (not quite) new theory in medicine", with several links under each of these headings.
To these in general I can refer you and others, concerning the sources for those things which I maintained in that part of my reply to N. N., but I want to point in particular now to some articles, respectively sets of articles, which I think should be recommended in this context.
There is much more in German, and as it happens also in Spanish translation, and one article by Stefan Lanka (interesting above all concerning the history of how the big "HIV"/"AIDS" terror hoax was uncovered) can even be found in Norwegian (reproduced at my homepage, index, 13.01.2007), but in English, there are at least these things:
01) An interview with Stefan Lanka in 1998 on so-called "retroviruses" (an actually imaginary class of purported "viruses", among which the equally non-existing "HIV" is "the most famous") - this interview is relatively well-known as the Zenger's one, at:
02) And yes, I only now am recognizing how particularly good in this context is that part of a Vaccine Website which is headed "Dr Stefan Lanka" and has several articles by and interviews with him, from 1995 to 2005, including the Zenger's interview and including also important passages from that article which I had seen (and have) in Norwegian. I'm adding now a link to it, suitably in fact under all of the three headings I mentioned above. It's at:
[Note, 06.02.2008: There are *not* on that page, as I thought when taking a brief look at it, any passages from that article (from 2001) which I had seen and which I have in Norwegian, in my "FORÉN DERE! Info #268no: Fra Krafeld/Lanka-boken om vaksinasjoner" of 13.01.2007, but "only" some similar statements which Stefan Lanka made in an interview with him earlier, in 1995.]
This is under:
"Vaccine Critics",, which may be of some interest too, and which in its turn is under:
"Vaccine Website", (To that one I already had a link. I've found it to contain some good stuff together with some doubtful or bad.)
At, headed "Dr Stefan Lanka", you'll firstly find some good quotes from several articles of his, and secondly some links to entire articles which I'm recommending in particular, firstly:
03) Via (with only text, no pictures), you can get to:
Dr. Stefan Lanka Exposes The "Viral Fraud" - Pictures of "Isolated Viruses" Debunked
(an important article from 2001) at:,
which is also to be found at:
04) And from you also get to a flyer from 2001 by Stefan Lanka and Karl Krafeld (in translation): "Does vaccinating make sense?", at:
05) From the same address you also get (via a link that doesn't appear among the others at the top, but a bit down in the text) to:
Interview with Stefan Lanka 27.10.2005 on "bird flu" and some related subjects, at
This is my translation of that likewise very well-known interview, [a translation] published on 22.02.2006, and with my corrections of 20.08.2006 added too. I have it at my homepage, index, 22.02.2206, and some others also have reproduced that translation, which I think was the first into English - a version edited by others (an absolutely non-Marxist organization in Germany dedicated to exposing this kind of scams in the field of medicine) is at: -
and there are at least two English translations by others of that interview, which obviously contributed very much towards stopping that particular mass murder attempt of the US imperialists', the "bird flu" terror hoax of 2005-2006, and a few translations into other languages too.
In this connection it may be suitable to note that not a single one of those organizations, in several European and North American countries, which call themselves "communist" or "Marxist-Leninist", has helped the least little bit in the exposing of that particular mass-murder-intending campaign, though such exposure was rather easy to find on the Internet from the spring of 2006 on, nor has any of them helped expose the still ongoing "HIV"/"AIDS" terror and mass murder hoax, though that one has stood publicly exposed (via the Net) since at least 1995 (which I on my part didn't get to know until August 2000) - this non-action or covering-up on the part of all of these organizations, supposedly dedicated to representing the common interests of the vast majority of people, clearly in at least many of the cases cannot be explained or excused by ignorance on their part, but shows up at least many of them as utter stooges of the mass murdering imperialists.
06) At my homepage, index, 11.04.2006, there is, in my translation, the important "follow-up" article by Stefan Lanka on 01.03.2006,
"Are there and can there be diseasecausing viruses?",
together with a rather long intro note on the political background (as analysed by me) to the "bird flu virus" hoax and other "virus" hoaxes of the imperialists. That article can also be found separately at my homepage, at:
(The signature "Blu" kindly helped out with an Italian translation of that article too: "Esistono virus patogeni?", which I now have at:
That's really a major article on that subject, I hold.
07) On the role(s) of bacteria, I need to refer (first of all) to the writings of Ryke Geerd Hamer, which (as I said above) cover a much wider field of medicine too - and no doubt are "tougher to digest" for those who, like me, are non-experts in that field. The best (English-including) website - as far as I've seen - with/on those is:
GNM Entrance Page (on the German New Medicine, GNM), at:
It has sections in English, French and Spanish.
Hamer's basic theory consists of five biological laws, the first one saying:
"Every Significant Biological Special Program (SBS) [today usually called "disease" - RM] originates from a DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome), which is a serious, highly acute, dramatic and isolating conflict shock that occurs simultaneously on the three levels: PSYCHE - BRAIN - ORGAN."
There's more on this at:
Searching on "bacteria" in the English-language section of the (main) website, you find i.a.:
"4th Biological Law:
Microbes such as fungi and bacteria are our loyal helpers, indispensable for our survival. It is Dr. Hamer's discovery that microbes become, without exception, only active in the healing phase. ...",
and, at:,
"The dilemma in which medical science finds itself is that by failing to recognize the two phases of every disease (Second Biological Law), conventional medicine only sees the second phase, because it is only in the healing phase during which microbes are active. And since the activities of microbes are often accompanied with swelling, fever, inflammation, pus, discharge and pain, microbes are considered to be malevolent and viewed as the cause of infectious diseases. But it is not the microbes that cause the disease. On the contrary, our organism uses the microbes to optimize the healing process.
Exception: Contact with 'exotic' bacteria that are not part of the natural inner milieu of an organism."
And also:
"As far as the role of 'viruses' is concerned, Dr. Hamer prefers to speak of 'hypothetical viruses' since lately the existence of viruses has been called into question. ..."
[By this, obviously, is meant *harmful* viruses. Harmless such do exist. Stefan Lanka for instance has found and isolated a species of such in a green alga. He said in the 27.10.2005 interview i.a.:]
"For instance in one litre of sea water, there are over 100 million viruses of various kinds very different from each other. Fortunately, the health authorities and the doctors have not become aware of this, otherwise there since long would have been a law permitting sea bathing only for persons attired in total body condoms."
- RM]
[Continued quote, concerning viruses, from the GNM page:] "...This is in line with Dr. Hamer’s earlier findings that the reconstruction process of ectodermal cerebral cortex controlled tissue e.g., of the epidermis, the cervix uteri, the lining of the intra-hepatic bile ducts, the lining of the small curvature of the stomach, the bronchial mucosa, and the nasal membrane still occurs, even without the presence of a virus; e.g. a herpes 'virus', a Hepatitis 'virus', a 'flu virus' etc."
I'm hoping that with this I've made some readers, including Waistline2 and you perhaps, Steve, curious enough about all the other stuff at those websites I'm recommending, not least, to look them up and study their contents in some detail.
Rolf M.
[So far my reply to Steve Houston on 27.12.2007]
Message posted by:
Rolf Martens
Malmö, Sweden
Phone and fax:
+46 - 40 - 124832;
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